A world where people live stronger, healthier, happier lives.
My Story
I started the company back in February 2017. I always loved to train and be active, and had an interest in all things technology - mobile apps, games, you name it.
Back in 2016 I had my “ah-ha” moment. At the time I was really into bodybuilding-style training and I wanted to buy myself the exact same belt as some of the top bodybuilders in the world for that extra bit of motivation.
After a bit of research, I discovered that the top bodybuilders were using a brand called Schiek. I got in touch with Schiek Sports in the US and was excited to hear from the owner himself, John Schiek. The opportunity to bring these products into Australia motivated me to get things rolling.
Long story short, I decided to combine my two passions of training and technology into a fitness website, working very hard for several months to launch the website on February 12th, 2017. Since then we’ve introduced a range of other fantastic brands to help you train harder and smarter.
Fast forward a few years, and having gone through some extremely difficult times personally, professionally and health-wise, I decided I wanted to do a little more. I still wanted to sell high-quality fitness products, but with a bigger purpose. That’s why I say that I want a world where people live stronger, healthier, happier lives. I truly believe if you work on those three components, you will live a great life.
Going forward we will still provide great products for training but we’ll also provide you with the tools, advice and motivation to build your strength (not just your muscles), be healthy and live a happy life.
"To help anyone achieve their fitness goals by providing access to the world’s best products."
What Keeps Us Going
It's no magic trick how we got here. Years ago I sat down to truly think what I wanted for the brand.
This is our #1 priority. We want to provide only the highest quality products, experience and aftercare.
We believe that focus helps us achieve our goals and deliver optimum results, whether in your training or other areas of your life.
We are extremely driven and are constantly looking for ways to improve efficiency, simplify ways of doing things, strengthen reliability and expand our performance (like any good athlete).
There’s a saying that goes, "it's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice". We truly believe it’s important to be kind to yourself, and to others.
We want to build trust with customers, suppliers and all our partners by always being honest, transparent and true to our word.
Own 🫵 Strength.
Everyone is strong is their own unique way. Don't compare yourself to anyone. Use your power to create a stronger, healthier and happier you!