Returns Policy

Updated: 29 Jan, 2024

We offer free returns for all Australian orders 30 days from the date of purchase.

To be eligible for a return:

  1. You must submit your return request online within 30 days of your purchase date.
  2. You must post your items within 14 days of submitting your return request online.
  3. Item(s) must be unworn and unused with the original tags still attached, with the exception of “trying on” sizes.
  4. Item(s) must be returned in their original packaging and original condition. This includes original tags, product information booklets and any other items sent to you. You do NOT need to send any clear plastic packaging or promotional material.
  5. Item(s) with security seal stickers can only be returned if the seal is intact.
  6. Any damaged or defective items must be submitted with photographic evidence.

Items that CAN NOT be returned include:

  1. Gift Cards.
  2. Change-of-mind reasons.
  3. Item(s) without original packaging, information booklets or original tags still attached.
  4. Item(s) that have been damaged or otherwise altered from their original condition, unless items were damaged or defective on arrival.
  5. Health and personal care items such as lotion creams.

Important information:

  1. If any requested exchange items are out of stock, you will receive 110% of store credit as an eGift Card.
  2. Please do not send any items back to us unless you have submitted your return request online. Returned items without an RMA (Return Material Authorisation) number will not be accepted and return postage will be payable by the customer.
  3. If you want to return items that were given to you as a gift, you will need the Order Number and Email from the person that made the purchase. All return request correspondence will be sent to the email that was used to make the purchase, unless requested otherwise in your return request - this also includes the return address.
  4. Free returns are available for customers based in Australia only and limited to one return per order. Further returns will be payable by the customer.
  5. Any returned item(s) that violate this policy will incur a flat fee of A$20 for shipping and handling back to the customer.